Rising Star Tristan Luus Secures First Professional Contract with Hollywoodbets Dolphins & gets focused on growth in the coming 2024/25 season

Tristan Luus, a standout SA Under 19 seamer, has secured his first professional contract with the Hollywoodbets Dolphins, ready to build on his impressive debut last season.

Luus shone during the SA Under 19 team’s journey to the semi-finals at the ICC Under 19 World Cup this year. His professional debut for the Dolphins was a highlight, where he took 2/30 against the Tuskers in the CSA T20 Challenge and followed it up with 1/25 in the return match at Hollywoodbets Kingsmead Stadium.

During the offseason, Luus, along with fellow Dolphins star Andile Simelane, is part of the CSA Emerging Academy. This opportunity marks another significant step for the 18-year-old as he continues to grow in stature.

“I’m incredibly grateful to have signed my first professional contract with the Dolphins,” Luus said. “Signing a contract at such a young age with such a prestigious team is a dream come true. This is a big and exciting step for me, part of a bigger plan for my career.”

After experiencing professional cricket in the 2023/24 season, Luus is eager to dive into the new season with the Dolphins. “I can’t wait for the new season; I think there are going to be some great memories. I’m excited to make my debut in both 4-Day cricket and 50-over cricket. Getting back in that environment with the boys is thrilling, and I can’t wait to play again.”

Luus’s offseason is packed with training at the Emerging Academy, followed by the Dolphins’ pre-season. The young cricketer aims to play as much cricket as possible to continue building his career. “I want to gain a better understanding of my own game next season. Making my 4-Day and 50 Over debuts is a big goal. I want to be one of the best bowlers in South Africa. I know it’s a big goal, but I am going to work very hard to get there.”

Dolphins coach Imraan Khan is excited about Luus’s future. “Tristan is an exciting young talent. He has the potential to bowl quickly and is capable with the bat. He’s got the right mindset and is always looking to learn. He has fit in really well into the environment. We’re excited to see how he progresses in his first full season with us.”

KZN Cricket CEO Heinrich Strydom emphasizes the importance of nurturing young talent. “We’ve seen the impact that Tristan can have at an international level and look forward to his contributions to the Dolphins next season and beyond. It’s crucial for us to have players with the right attributes on and off the field, and we believe Tristan fits the Dolphins mould perfectly.”

Image supplied (CSA Press Office)

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